Psychosomatic Disorder Types

Psychosomatic vs Somatoform:

Mentioned here are all the physical diseases which are mainly caused by mental causes and these are considered as psychosomatic diseases. These differ from unique physical diseases. First, it can be noticed that these diseases mainly originate from mental conflict, depression, and stress. Second, these diseases are difficult to cure with conventional physiotherapy. 
 In the case of hysteria, we also see that the symptoms of physical illness are caused by mental causes. However, there are some similarities between hysteria and psychosomatic diseases and some important differences. Both types of disease can be considered as a strategy to get rid of anxiety. But the symptoms of hysteria have no real physical basis. 

 In the case of transformational blindness, it is seen that the person has become blind even though the eyes are completely healthy and normal. In other words, its functions have been destroyed without any structural changes in the body organs. In the case of psychosomatic diseases, on the other hand, there is a real structural change in the body. 
 For example, a patient with a peptic ulcer actually has a wound in the intestinal tract. There is also another difference between these two diseases. Hysteria affects all the organs and processes of the body that are primarily controlled by the central nervous system. Psychosomatic disease, on the other hand, affects all organs and processes that are primarily controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
Psychosomatic Disorder Types
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Heart Attack Causes

Psychosomatic heart disease: Heart disease is usually caused due to heart defects and inconsistencies. However, the number of heart diseases is not small, which is mainly due to psychological reasons. The heart has a close relationship with emotional emotions. Intense emotions such as fear, anxiety, insecurity, and feeling of disability are caused by various problems in life. 

 Once they are relatively long-lasting, they can have a detrimental effect on the individual. Most cardiologists acknowledge that there is a large proportion of heart patients who do not initially have any abnormalities in the heart behind the symptoms. That is, the onset of the disease is mainly emotional.

Example of Psychosomatic Disorder

 Tachycardia is widely known among the various diseases of this process. In this case, the patient's heart rate increases at an abnormal rate and the heartbeat becomes abnormal. The patient pushes inside the chest, has difficulty breathing, and often suffers from fainting. In the case of psychosomatic disorders, no apparent cause of such an increased heart rate has yet been found, and the increased frequency of such stimulated heart function results in actual damage to the heart and blood vessels.

Psychosomatic Disorder

 Hypertension: Hypertension is particularly significant in the form of psychosomatic prose. Many middle-aged people are diagnosed with the disease. Hypertension, however, can have many physiological causes. High blood pressure is caused by the accumulation of fat in the aorta or any of its branches as a result of kidney disease.

 However, in many patients no physical cause of high blood pressure can be found. When symptoms of high blood pressure are found without any physical symptoms, doctors identify it as "essential hypertension". In the early stages of essential hypertension, there is a marked increase or decrease in blood pressure. But at a later stage the blood pressure stabilizes at a high level and such persistent high blood pressure continues to damage the kidneys and heart system.

Psychosomatic Disorder
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Emotions are closely related to the functioning of the heart and the circulatory system. The animal's heart rate and blood flow levels increase abnormally when exposed to strong emotional stimuli. Such physical changes occur for the purpose of gaining extra energy needed to deal with emergencies. The result is people who are highly emotional, who are under constant stress; For them, high blood pressure has always been a moral issue, and they suffer from essential hypertension. 

 A number of researchers have found that essential hypertension is associated with emotional stress. One study found that "middle-aged workers in factories often have high blood pressure when they are forced to suppress their emotions." There are also some personality traits in patients with high blood pressure. For example: - People who are able to express aggressive instincts, even though they seem calm on the outside, they have intense anger and disgust in their hearts. This outward display of modesty and intense inner resentment can lead to high blood pressure.

What Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer: An open lesion in the stomach or esophagus is called a peptic ulcer. The main causes of this disease is abdominal pain. Such pain usually begins a few hours after eating. The pain is accompanied by nausea. When the wound becomes severe, internal bleeding occurs. The prevalence of this disease has increased abnormally in recent times. It is believed that the prevalence of this disease as an emotional process has increased as modern civilization has put tremendous pressure on people. One in 10 people in the United States is diagnosed with the disease at some point in their lives.

 It is important to note that in some cases peptic ulcers are caused by physical ailments, dietary disorders, or intestinal defects. However, at present, many people think that psychological reasons are more important for this disease. Nervous tension, anxiety, and repressed anger can cause the disease.

 From a physiological point of view, irregular secretion of digestive juices is actually responsible for this disease. Digestive juices contain three important components called mucus, pepsin, and hydrochloric acid. It has strong oxidative capacity of hydrochloric acid. Peptic ulcers have high levels of hydrochloric acid in almost every patient and are mainly responsible for causing ulcers. We know that emotional emotions cause internal changes through the automatic nervous system. Just as emotional turmoil causes constipation in the stomach or intestines, it also causes excessive secretion of digestive juices. 

 Digestive juices accumulate in the constricted area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, which is devoid of food, and the region begins to deteriorate. As a result, erosion occurs there and over time, wounds are created there. In people with normal emotions, the secretion and digestion of digestive juices begins after a normal meal. But for those who suffer from more emotional arousal, the secretion and digestion of digestive juices occurs prematurely and in greater doses. As a result, ulcers are formed in them.

 Gastritis and colitis in the form of digestive disorders can be caused by psychological factors. Symptoms of gastritis include indigestion, increased gastric acidity, nausea, excess gas in the stomach, and bloating. Inflammation of the colon area causes diarrhea, constipation, lower abdominal pain, diarrhea etc. Anxiety, guilt, disgust, anger, etc. are important factors associated with these diseases.

What Asthma Causes
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What Asthma Causes

 Asthma:  When the airways constrict, such shortness of breath occurs. Inflammation or swelling of the mucous membranes of the patient's bronchial branch may also occur. The patient may have frequent coughing and sneezing. May come with chest pressure. Asthma can be of three types. Bacterial, allergic, and apparently asthma for no apparent reason. The first type of asthma is caused by damage to the respiratory tract caused by bacteria or pathogens. 

 Hypersensitivity to dust or any substance mixed with air causes allergic asthma and the presence of such substance causes shortness of breath. There is no known cause for the third type of asthma, and psychological factors are considered to be the most important. Emotional causes such as mental conflict, lack of affection, intense frustration, etc. are mainly responsible for such asthma. Analysis of the personality of asthma patients has shown that they are very aggressive and aggressive. They lack security and confidence and are highly dependent. 

 Psychological factors are also thought to play an indirect role in allergic asthma. That is, a person's sensitivity to a particular substance is largely determined by his mental constitution and personality traits.

 Migraine headaches: Migraine headaches are very severe and are seen to be periodic. Usually pain is felt on one side of the head and sometimes its direction changes. However, in some cases, there may be pain on the side of the head. 

 Nausea and constipation may occur in some people during headaches. It is known that such headaches are caused by the rupture of pain sensor veins located in the brain and such rupture of veins due to excess blood circulation. Examination of migraine headache patients has shown that when artificial stress is created in them, the veins in their brain rupture and the headache starts.

 Skin Disease: There is a direct relationship between skin disease and emotion. Numerous tiny blood vessels are attached to the skin and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Thus changes in the autonomic nervous system are accomplished for emotional reasons; It directly affects the blood flow to the skin. When we are angry or ashamed, our face becomes red, when we are afraid, our face becomes pale. 

 Because of such emotions, the blood flow to the skin of our face is gradually increased or decreased. If the increased or decreased blood flow to any part of the skin becomes relatively permanent, there may be inflammation. Rapid variations in irregular blood flow to the skin can lead to various forms of skin diseases.


Example of Psychosomatic Disorder
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Cancer: It has long been thought that cancer has nothing to do with psychological distress. But recent research suggests that stress may play a role in cancer. One study found that the use of group psychotherapy in addition to physical therapy for breast cancer prolongs the lifespan of patients. According to the researchers, the mutual social support that group psychiatrists provide to patients helps them reduce stress and increase their vitality. 
 One study found that "artificial stress on rats causes their body's cancer cells to grow faster." In modern times, a number of studies are being conducted to determine the relationship between mental stress and the body's immune system. Mental stress is thought to reduce the body's anti-cancer power and cause cancer.