How to Improve on Self Esteem

How to create new, true, effective, realistic, fruitful, positive, bright, and good self-image, self-image, and high self-esteem for yourself?  First you have to know yourself.  Make a long list of your strengths and weaknesses.  Write down as many good qualities as there are features.  

Also write down the actual errors or limitations.  But beware, that old distorted self-identity will give you more information about faults and notoriety than quality.  Don't believe that distorted self-identity at all.  You have already canceled it.  Throw away all the negative evaluations, labels and ideas so far.  Then you will see that you don't really have that much notoriety, which you have been believing in for so long.  

But there are definitely some limitations and flaws.  List them in a subjective way.  Now memorize your qualifications, qualities and good qualities.  You open a new file in Brain's software.  Write your name there and store those qualities in it permanently.  Put a bright, charming, positive self-image there in harmony with it.  When you want to rejuvenate that negative attitude, immediately open that file and see your own positive, meaningful, bright and good image.  

Let your own qualities and bright features always come to mind immediately.  Keep practicing like that, talk about so many qualities and characteristics.  However, some real errors and limitations should not be forgotten unknowingly. 

 Remember them to keep yourself alert, to improve yourself, to be more capable and strong.  These will now be your source of inspiration, never inferiority, guilt or failure not feeling.

How to Improve on Self Esteem
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Self Esteem Improvement Exercises

 Now let's move on to the main task, which is to accept yourself unconditionally as you are, no matter who you are, accept yourself that way.  We call it self-acceptance.  To do this, you need to combine the two lists you have created into a positive and a negative about yourself.  

Your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your own shortcomings, weaknesses, and limitations, are both images of you.  Accept that reality with a contented, contented and proud mind.  We are just used to accepting the good in ourselves.  The source of all suffering is not being able to accept one's own weaknesses, weaknesses and limitations.  But now you can do it easily.  Because so far you have been able to create a very small but real list of limitations by removing the distorted, negative image.  None of us are free from error, weakness.  

The most popular so-called loved ones are not even famous people in history.  So if you are angry;  Become unmindful;  Don't look so good;  It doesn't matter if you are not educated.  There are many more weaknesses, flaws and limitations in everyone who thinks they are very capable, strong, popular and happy.  The difference is that they do not magnify them, magnify their qualities and abilities, and in spite of their weaknesses, they consider their total qualities to be positive and dignified.  Because of their self-confidence, positive self-image, and high self-esteem, they are compelled to think of themselves as virtuous, gentle, competent, and so on.  Where people with low self-esteem build their self-esteem by what others think, they force others to look at and think positively of them.  

It is a charming personality that can make others think, respect, and compel him as he wishes.  This magic power is nothing but strong and high quality self-esteem.  The source of which is positive self-identity and self-image.

What Self Esteem is

 If you can accept yourself fully, you will notice a dramatic change in yourself.  Fear, shame, inferiority, poverty will all be cut off in an instant.  Because the fear of your own reputation, the fear of losing character, the fear of losing popularity, the fear of not being accepted by others, the fear of not being loved, respected, and liked by them, has kept you cornered and dreamy for so long.  As soon as you accept with satisfaction, contentment and pride all the aspects of your good-evil, bright-dull, success-weakness, worthy-unworthy, favorite-unpleasant, you will be able to conquer all those "fears" realms effortlessly.  

Because now you don't need recognition of choice, love, respect etc. from others.  If someone dislikes you, disrespects you, slanders you, slanders you, points out your weakness, they will no longer be able to make you feel inferior, ugly, and insulted, frustrated.  Because you recognize who you are, what you are.  Your self-identity, self-image or self-esteem no longer depends on their certificates.  From now on, when they want to do that, you can laugh and make fun of them.  In fact, you can ignore them, ignore them and remain indifferent.  They can say like them, they can only get temporary pleasure jokes.  

But when you see their main purpose is to die in the field, to make you suffer in shame, not to see you embarrassed, disappointed and humiliated;  Then they will be frustrated and will be forced to give up the habit of getting tired of being teased, disrespected or insulted.

How to Improve on Self Esteem
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Low Self Esteem How to Improve

In this way you will become a different person as a result of unconditionally, fully accepting and accepting yourself. But others around you may not be able to grasp the point of such a big change, or they may not want to accept it. Those who have been weak and inferior for so long now raise their heads and walk with conviction and self-respect. They will not be able to digest it easily. Rather, drinking Adajal may make you feel stronger. Especially some of your opponents who don’t want to see you as a self-respecting happy, popular, successful person in anything. They will all try to mock this happy and positive change, try to find the weakness and purpose in it. You change your beliefs and attitudes towards yourself. 

 But their previous views and attitudes towards you have not changed. Rather they will see your new look as a challenge. He will try to figure out how to defeat and weaken it. But you are now a new person. Feelings, perceptions, perceptions, thoughts, behaviors and beliefs, you are a person of a completely different image, a different character. It is not up to you to decide whether they understand it or not. Their feedback, behavior or comments no longer matter to you. The first step in becoming your new positive and effective person is to reject the labels, comments, and evaluations of others. So they will behave according to their previous nature and ideas, that is normal. You will not see any change in them suddenly. 

 But the funny thing is that even if the situation does not change, you are now accepting the same situation differently for a change within yourself. They will want to mock; You will want to have fun by pointing out your weakness, you will want to be satisfied by spreading slander or slander, you will want to make jokes and jokes thinking that you are not acceptable, you are not liked, you are not loved. But before where you suffered in inferiority, humiliation, disgrace, humiliation, and became small, lost to them, their respect and love would easily fall asleep in despair that Pabna; Ignoring their contempt, he felt abandoned, rejected in oblique remarks; Now there will be no such ugly, painful, feeling, and reaction. Now you don't apply all this. 

 Don't feel humiliated. Because now you know and accept that these are their own, purposeful comments and behaviors. Actually you are not like that. Which they are thinking or trying to convey. You have acquired the ability to reject labels, comments, hints given by others. They are doing this and will do it in the future with a jealous, selfish, and mean attitude. These are examples of their meanness, weakness, and violence. That is why they can be pityed, their shamelessness, jealousy can be made fun of. By no means that do I would like to convey that I like to recommend for the mother shall to be inactive. You can blow it all away with a gentle smile. Or you can stay calm and easy without paying attention to all these. They will wish to try to it once more and once more.

How to Improve on Self Esteem
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How to Build The Self Confidence

Each time you raise your head, you will be able to maintain your position firmly by looking at all their annoying words, hints, comments and behavior as a failed blow in a calm and calm manner with a simple and courageous mind. You see, they may laugh, they may not cooperate, they may ignore, they may want to show contempt, they may try to reject and ridicule. 

 You are currently aware of these issues. All of this is a harbinger of their resentment, in no way having anything to do with your recognition and merit. You know yourself as a worthy, acceptable, desirable, popular, respected, happy and successful person. Believe me, there is no greater truth in the world. You also know that you have a few weaknesses and limitations.

Self Confidence How to Improve

 You further understand that some people will not accept you, will not like you, will not want to give you respect. They would rather want to make you small, dislike you. They will want to tarnish your image. Ignoring you, ignoring and rejecting you, will want to make you weak and inferior. These are what they want; These are never your real acquaintances. Your image and self-esteem will not be affected at all by these efforts. 

 Rather these jealous misdeeds prove you are right, you are good, and good people. Now it's your turn to ignore them. Can you do that Your self-esteem has been strengthened as much as you can. This will prove how strongly you believe in your new positive self-image. It will take time for this belief to become strong. However, take the test every day. Prove its effectiveness in real cases. 

 The less you are negatively influenced by the behavior of others, the more positive self-identity you may think you are developing. Go ahead like this. In a short time you will build a strong, resilient, strong, and lasting structure of self-esteem.

 From time to time your efforts and aspirations will be defeated while developing this lasting strong positive self-esteem. Don't give up then. Don’t break down into frustration that won’t be with me. I stayed in the whale that I was supposed to be. 

 Remember that such assessments, and perceptions, negative attitudes, and attitudes manifest. You have eliminated all kinds of negative beliefs, attitudes from your brain structure, and that is forever. Habitually, they will want to oppress you again and again, wanting to make you suffer from depression and inferiority.