Self Identities
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Self Identities

 Each of us has our own identity. We know some as angry people, some as kind, some as gentleman, some as stingy, some as simple, some as cunning and so on. These are usually an introduction to them. This acquaintance is not only from one aspect but also from many aspects and features. Some of these virtues are good and some are bad. There is no one who has only the good side or only the bad side. But usually all these good and bad together form a general identity of the person. It is an introduction to what that person is like to others. You will notice that his acquaintance is different from person to person. To one, he is known as one of a kind. It depends on how a person thinks or sees him. So every person has a hundred kinds of acquaintances. Contacts that change from time to time and that rely on other people's own evaluations. It's a lot like how many forms in the same organ.

 But introspection is a different thing. The acquaintances that we have discussed so far, are basically based on those public acquaintances outside, the person develops an idea or acquaintance about himself. We can call it the self-identity of the overall situation that is formed in our mind. He has versatile acquaintances with others. Different for each person. Even to the same person, every time is different. This is normal. Because others declare this situation considering the person in the light of their own interests, their own context, their own needs and their own point of view. By Thus, from childhood, if one hears a lot of negative or bad acquaintances from many people (especially from important people, such as parents, relatives and friends, teachers, etc.), then a negative or bad self-identity about oneself. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way.

Self Identities
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Self Image

 Now let's talk about the image that is created about oneself. Image means a mental image of someone. Whenever we think of someone or talk about someone, a mental image of that person comes to our mind. This image can be either positive or negative. And that depends on what information is stored in our brain. If a bad image of a person is stored in the brain, a good image of him will never come to mind. Your image may or may not be of many kinds to others, such as self-identification. Because it depends on what kind of acquaintance you have with them. Here, too, the soul-image is a different matter. This is what your self-image is like.

Self Identities
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Self Image VS Self Esteem

 Now let's understand what is a matter of self-respect or self-esteem. Self-image depends on the self-identity mentioned above. And your self-esteem depends on those two. If one's self-identity and self-image are positive, if it is bright and good, then one's self-esteem will feel high. Tough and strong. But, if a negative and evil self-image develops in him, then his self-esteem will be of inferior and weak fragile nature.

 One thing you must have noticed is that these self-image self-esteem things are completely made up of your own brain. Although from childhood we are influenced by various comments, evaluations, words and behaviors from others, whether they are positive or negative, the main thing is that they are our own brains and ideas and beliefs. So we can change that familiar image or type of respect at any time if we wish. Because it resides within the structure of our mind and brain. Other people can only influence them, but the real creator is our own brain and mind.

Self Identities
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Self Esteem High

 We found that high self-esteem depended on strong and positive self-identification and self-image. But the question is why is self-esteem so important? Why is it so important to change all this? You will feel its cause and need every day, every moment. How we view, think, or evaluate the flow of events in our daily lives depends on the kind of self-identifying information that is stored in our brains about ourselves. The type of relationship with others, the type of reaction, it all depends on the nature of that sense of self-worth. In a word, low self-esteem and negative self-image are the main reasons for the daily filth of life, humiliation, quarrels, conflicts, unrest, anxiety, inferiority complex, fear.

  Self Esteem How to Improve

 Now the question is how to make the self image bright, positive, strong and sustainable? All you have to do is break down some of the structures in your brain and rebuild them. Thinking it's hard work? But not difficult at all. However, it is subject to effort and time. As we have said before, this negative self-image, low self-esteem has developed in our mind or brain since childhood, due to receiving harmful, offensive, bad comments, evaluations, etc. from others. We have also said that others will level us and evaluate us completely in the light of their own needs, interests, passions and their own point of view. Never really depends on what you are, how you are. So now we have to break down those levels, evaluations and contacts given to others. It is not difficult to break because these corrupt, evil and harmful structures are in your own brain and mind, not in the hands of others. It is necessary to declare this conviction with a firm, courageous mind that I will build my self-identity, my own image and accordingly my strong, strong and lasting high self-esteem. Its type, structure, nature I will determine; By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive. Since negative self-image and low self-esteem are made up of negative comments, comments, behaviors and reactions from others, it is your true identity, not the image at all. If your face is distorted by others, wearing a mask, making it necessary, in that case will you see the real you in the mirror, or will you see that distorted ugliness? We have been carrying that distorted self image all our lives. It is a matter of great shame, inferiority and self-pity. And don't carry that self-torture, self-pain, self-pity. That identity given to others, those labels given to others, that distorted self image, since it is not your real identity or image, break it from now on, declare it abandoned. You don't have to hire a lot of people to do that much work. Just declare above, "This I am not the real truth, this is a distorted, ugly amir image created by others. I do not accept the self-identity created with this identity, I do not accept but I will never see myself in this image."

Self Identities
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 This matter of breaking and building is a completely mental matter. So just as it is easy to say that I have broken down, it is also true that the cherished thing that has been cherished for so long will come back again and again in full force. You need to consciously remind yourself of that again and again every day. No matter how many times you remove the old evil image, it will repeatedly want to return to its previous place. Do not be discouraged. As the days go by, the more firmly you accept the new beliefs and attitudes, the more you continue to practice life accordingly, the new acquaintances will be new, the image will continue to be firmly embedded in the structure of the mind. The stronger it is, the weaker the old one will be.