How to solve mental illness? Mental Health Counselor. How to solve mental illness. The more inspiration and purpose there is in life, the better the way to survive.

Mental Health Counselor.

If you want to make a change in personality and disposition that is relatively simple but will bring a big positive change in life. 

It's to bring versatility and flexibility of thoughts, attitudes, expectations, etc.

Mental Health Counselor.

According to a mental health counselor the more flexible one is in terms of motivation and purpose in life, the better the way of survival.
He can live in many ways; His form goes on without beauty, without his intellect and knowledge, without his great position, without his great wealth, without his respect, recognition, liking, love, even his great illness. 
If or no Even if the limbs become crippled, the way of life does not stop.
Because he knows how to live in many ways. As soon as the door of expectation is closed, he has no fascination with many paths or any particular door, path and tradition. 
He said that all paths are the path of life, the pace and continuity of life can be taken forward in all paths. 
Even if a particular path is blocked, his regret or inferiority does not arise. Because he is not a blind follower of any particular path and opinion or he is not in love with any particular goal. 
He is just in love with his life. To keep this path of life moving fast, the path that is open in front, the path that can be found; He agrees to go that route. 
The path is not the goal for him, the path is just the path. So it doesn't matter to him whether a particular path is closed; His flexible outlook on life led him to many other paths, views and purposes. 
He knows and believes that life does not mean stopping. Because he knows he has a long way to go. So he does not fall into despair and fatigue. 

He wants to move on to the last moment of his life, to move forward. Avoids stubborn, narrow life outlook; Need to adopt a flexible, versatile, world-view. 
Then it will be seen that there are many ways to live life, there are many ways to live life. 
Our lives will be much easier if we make the fields of thought, vision, purpose in life, goals and expectations static, not narrow, but flexible and versatile.
Mental Health Counselor.

After the incident, the mind will be poisoned, anxious and depressed, then you have to think immediately. 
Why would that be? Whatever the event or situation, whatever the outcome, will life stop for it? I have no other way? If necessary, can not be saved otherwise?
 You don't value survival as an alternative, you don't think it makes sense, you think it's a defeat. 
Does accepting the alternative mean accepting defeat? 
Basically such thinking is inferiority complex.
You may think we lost because of them, we have to take another path.
Mental Health Counselor.

 By doing so, they will smile of victory. This narrowness of thought, this one-sided attitude, has created this feeling of inferiority in your mind. Those who think of victory go in a multifaceted way, treading your path or ignoring it. 
You can't ignore this; So it seems I lost to them. Ignoring your path, opinions they are proud laughter-bright. And you change their way, fear to ignore the opinion, frustrated and ashamed. 

 Why ignore the outlook on life, ignore them if necessary.

 That is possible, if you keep your self-esteem high, if you are not poor in the likes and dislikes of others, if you follow many paths and opinions.