Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders
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We always say that health is the root of all happiness. 

But this revelation is more memorable only if it is a mental health disorder, but if it could have been prevented before we became ill, we could have avoided this painful distress.

Recently, worldwide, the number of school students is suffering from psychological and mental health disorders; In this case, all the experts say, the risky weak-minded children are the ones who suffer the most. 

So the question naturally arises in everyone's mind how can we grow with strong mind and mental health.

 If we can change our personal emotions, attitudes and thoughts, we will be able to live happier and healthier people.

We need a multidisciplinary education for self-building and personality reconstruction that can eliminate mental health disorders.
So we need to know the way to get rid of mental health disorder.

Here are two ways to get rid of mental health disorders:

Mental health disorders
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First step: Positive self-esteem is the name of your inner happiness. 

We can feel proud of ourselves, we can feel contentment and happiness. Again, we can arouse feelings of dissatisfaction, guilt, inferiority, etc. Maybe it's a positive sense of self-worth. The opposite of this is the feeling of inferiority, low self-esteem. When we have a positive sense of self-worth, we are content, happy, generous, and humble. Then we are simple like nature, we are happy, we are proud, we are rhythmic and relaxed in everything. Then the whole world feels beautiful. 

The people around him seem friendly, gentle and kind. In a word, we have a beautiful coexistence with our surroundings, life and society. But suffering from low self-esteem will have the opposite effect. Dissatisfaction, grief, hatred, ugliness and inferiority will poison the mind. The environment and the world will feel like a sanctuary for jealous, rival, selfish people. It will seem that there is no beauty anywhere, no air, no possibility, no light of hope. It is as if the snakes have spread poisonous breath all around. So in ourselves and in all of our new generation, a positive attitude is established; Parents, families, schools and society have a very important role to play. 

Only by fulfilling this responsibility can we get rid of mental health disorders and create a simple-minded, creative, happy and energetic people.

Mental health disorders
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Second step: The body must be given nutritious food every day, the mind must also be given positive thoughts of complete mental health. 

To maintain a healthy and strong body, we need regular nutritious disease-free food every day. Otherwise the body will be sick, weak, easily diseased. The mind, like the body, becomes weak, sick, and diseased. So it needs a balanced and nutritious food. Just as contaminated food makes the body sick, so if what we provide for the nourishment of the mind is contaminated, then the mind will also be unhappy and sick. The food of the mind is our thoughts, attitudes. If we can provide health to our brains and minds, then the mind will be satisfied, generous, fresh, active and strong. 

On the other hand, if you are drowning in negative thoughts, your mental health is bound to deteriorate. Then we are immersed in anxiety, sadness, inferiority, frustration, hatred, etc. It's good to remember that these negative thoughts are more deadly than bacteria, viruses. Which consumes and erodes the peace, happiness and joy of the mind. Gradually, like the tuberculosis virus, it destroys the strength of mental health, destroys creativity, makes life miserable, failed and tiring. So give the body three times as satisfying, nutritious food with positive mental health positive thoughts, positive and strong thoughts, which will eliminate the negative sick thoughts. 

Clean thinking, like clear clear water. Just as flowing clean water removes frozen dirty water, so positive thinking removes negative thoughts from the mind and keeps the mind away from mental health disorders, clean, happy and energetic.