Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Definition

A person with obsessive compulsive disorder is subject to a particular thought or action. The person is unnecessarily forced to repeat a particular action or to repeat a particular thought over and over again. Re-thinking and performing actions is called obsessive-compulsive disorder. Apparently these two types of symptoms are considered to be different diseases, but in reality these two disorders are natural and the causes are completely identical in the past. Compulsive verbs are formed on the basis of obsessive thinking. Again the rotation of obsessive thought begins on the occasion of any compulsive action.

Some Important Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

(1). In the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the same thoughts reappear in a person's mind in vain. One can clearly realize that such thinking is completely unreasonable and meaningless. Yet, after hundreds of attempts, one cannot free oneself from the clutches of this thought. In many cases these thoughts are the complete opposite of personality. The person thinks that this thought outside his being is unjustly entering the realm of his mind from the outer world and destroying the discipline of his mind. As a result, in many cases the person becomes anxious and fears that the insanity may soon subside. Also the repetition of such unreasonable thoughts destroys his concentration of attention, disrupts his normal activities and disrupts his normal life.
Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
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(2). Obsessive-compulsive disorder can lead to aggressive activity or sexual activity. The thought of killing her son or raping a mother is as embarrassing as it is irrational. Yet he cannot free himself from its grip.

(3). Obsessive thinking can sometimes arise in the life of a normal person. For example, a person who loses a contest may think over and over again, "He's not a man to be broken. He'll try again." Or a miserable person may reminisce about a pleasant memory of his past life. Such obsessive thoughts occur to a very limited extent in normal human life. But in the case of abnormal people, these become excessively evident and their excesses disrupt their careers.

(4). In the case of compulsive disorder, the patient is forced to perform a particular action unnecessarily. As a result of performing such actions, no interest of the person is fulfilled. One can realize for oneself that such an action is completely unreasonable. But he cannot stop himself from performing this task. There is an incomprehensible painful discomfort in his mind until he is able to complete the task, and the moment he completes the compulsive action, the person feels a complete peace of mind. But such peace does not last long. After a while his mind becomes full of discomfort again and the person feels the urge to perform the action again. But the person cannot find any valid reason as to why he feels uncomfortable or if he performs compulsive work or why he feels comfortable. As a result, the person is forced to perform the same action over and over again.

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
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(5). For example, washing mania can be mentioned here. People with washing mania are forced to wash their bodies and body parts numerous times a day. As long as the compulsive action is performed, the person feels a painful discomfort in the mind and the moment his compulsive action is completed, he gets relief at that very moment. The repetition of such actions is so great that one can realize one's own irrationality. But he can never free himself from this unusual urge.

(6). Many times one day a person is forced to perform certain actions in a certain order. How many chores does a person have to do before going to bed at night? Such as covering the table with a glass of water, changing the best, styling the hair, checking the bars of the window and door, then turning off the lights and going to sleep. The person has to do these tasks in exactly the same order on a regular basis. Such a deviation from this predetermined chrome causes anxiety in the mind of the person. Different types of compulsive behavior are observed in different individuals. The irrationality of these behaviors often becomes apparent to the person himself. Yet he is inevitably forced to behave in such a formal manner.

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
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 (7). Compulsive actions are often observed even in normal people. For example, many people tap the wall or floor three times with their fingers when they hear the sound of a lizard. As soon as they see any sign of misfortune at the beginning of the journey, many return home and start the journey anew. Many may repeatedly check to see if the door has been closed properly before going to bed. Such compulsive actions are very limited in normal people. But in the case of abnormal people, the level is so high that their daily life is severely disrupted.

In the end, a healthy life can be achieved by seeking treatment from a good psychiatrist if the above symptoms occur.